Monday 17 January 2011

Action Film Genre Research

The conventions of action films are generally chase scenes (Both on foot and vehicle), explosions, guns, fist fights, one main antagonist with help from 'grunts', one main protagonist (Usually a hardened, ex-military type/maverick police officer), a damsel in distress that the hero must rescue (Usually from the clutches of the antagonist), and lots of gunfights.

Conventional action films follow a todorov narrative (With the hero overthrowing the antagonist and rescuing the damsel) and have Propp character types, such as:
-The Villain
-The Hero
-The False Hero
-The Donor
-The Helper
-The Princess Or Prize
-The Dispatcher

Examples of films in this genre are films such as: The Rambo Series, Commando, Kill Bill, The Expendables, etc.

Examples of actors in this genre are: Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jet Li, Sylvester Stallone, Jason Statham.

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